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Is Porn Real?

Posted by Jew from Jersey
19 August 2021

There is so much free porn available online that it’s hard to believe anyone is making any money from it. Even if you assume that the hosts can offer the content free to the end user by selling ads, how much ad revenue can they be making considering that the only advertisers who will pay for ads on a porn site are other purveyors of porn or various penis enlargement schemes? And given the virtually limitless supply of content, how much of this revenue can be trickling back from the hosting sites to the content providers?

Back in the days of porn magazines, feature-length porn movies, and big-name porn stars, we often heard that you can’t believe what you see in porn because it wasn’t real because the women were getting paid. This logic was always somewhat suspect. After all, the same reasoning could be applied to sex in general. If some women get paid for sex, does it follow that women who aren’t getting paid will never engage in it? If some woman is paid to perform a particular sex act on camera, does it follow that no woman not getting paid and not on camera would ever do it? What difference does a camera make? Does the presence of a camera make women more likely to do things? You used to even hear people insist that porn was somehow staged. But what does that mean? How is staged penetration different from unstaged penetration? Are special effects involved? Even in its heyday as a commercial enterprise, porn was an embarrassingly low-budget industry.

A specific tale you used to hear was that women in porn do things that “normal” women won’t. There was a time when it was possible to believe this. It probably wasn’t true, but it was possible to believe it. Now you can watch every sex act imaginable and even some that are unimaginable all day every day for your entire life for free in high definition and never see the same woman twice. Will the last “normal” woman turn out the lights on her way out?

Maybe porn is just like... real life? So what if some of it is for money? A lot of sex in real life is for money, too, or some other transactional consideration. So what if many of the acts you see are not available to you in real life? That doesn’t make them unreal. Most of the women you meet in real life are not available to you either. They’re still real women. And acts not done with you are still real acts, on camera and off.

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